Sunday, July 5, 2015

Al Jeezera kicks America right in the butt

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"Al Jazeera’s digital media platform AJ+ posted a Fourth of July-themed video mocking Americans as fat, cheese-eating, gun-toting, pill-popping, racist porn watchers." And the pity of this is, I know some people who live right here in Lake Worth who would agree with this...they are clueless when it comes to recognizing the "enemy" just like the Americans who did this video.
This morning in church we were told to love thy neighbor as thyself.  I sometimes have a lot of trouble with that message.


Lake Worth Taxpayer said...

I'm not sure what the difference is when Al Jazeera does it or when Americans do it, i.e. "moochers," "Socialists," "Marxists," "Deadbeats," "Amatuers," but I'm sure you can explain it to me.

Before you go down your usual path, I am not defending Al Jazeera. I am pointing out the hypocrisy when the same people who constantly and mercilessly slam 50% of Americans and our President get in a huff when someone else does the exact same thing.

Lynn Anderson said...

You wouldn't "get it."