Monday, June 8, 2015

Housing Crisis in the Making?

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The Urban Institute researchers predict that more than 3 in 4 new households this decade, and 7 of 8 in the next, will be formed by minorities. These new households—nearly half of which will be Hispanic—have lower incomes, less wealth and lower home ownership rates than the U.S. average. How will this affect Lake Worth?

Read here...


Anonymous said...

Because people no know that is is cheaper to rent than to own a home. The insurance, taxes, expenses, mortgage rates, etc. to own are all too high now. Renting is better, that is what more than 70% do in this city. Why bother owning. Just blame politicians and greedy big business and banks for this one, it is ALL their fault. This country has gone to hell!

Lynn Anderson said...

Not sure that is true, anonymous. Rental rates are going sky high.

Anonymous said...

This will affect Lake Worth a lot. We have too many immigrants and poor people migrating here. Buying is cheaper than renting, anony above and what will and is happening in Lake Worth is these people don't have the money to afford a down payment or have the credit to own. They are caught between a rock and you know what as their landlords keep raising the rent. slumlords are3 making out like bandits.