Sunday, November 30, 2014

Park of Commerce - Lake Worth Commission's Pie in the Sky

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It's all about grabbing the cash anyway. Without saying a word, this commission, tells everyone--"It's my way or the highway." In this case it is a County Road. I can't even imagine anyone so arrogant to plow ahead after half the voters said "no." 

Lake Worth is signing an Interlocal agreement with Palm Beach County that will transfer county ownership of Boutwell Road over to the city so that we can develop and maintain it. This will be on the agenda this Tuesday night. To make matters even more insulting, they have placed it on Consent Agenda. They don't have to tell us one financial detail. Of course, we really don't have any money for the Park of Commerce but the city commission has miraculously found multi-millions somewhere probably in the capital improvement budget to devote to this project--a project that will NEVER pay for itself even if it does attract developers who build. It will take 50-100 years to recapture the cost in advalorem taxes. So who is really the beneficiary?

At least five years ago, the city applied for a Grant and was awarded one in August 2009 from the U.S. Department of Commerce in order to develop a Needs Analysis at the Park of Commerce. They "needed" to cement their case as this was their Field of Dreams. This was a matching grant, so $500,000 was spent on this "need." At the time, they told us that the vision of the City of Lake Worth is to "develop the Park of Commerce (POC) into the best area for business in southeast Florida. The City’s desire is for the POC to become a vital center for light industry and a major employment center."

Because of this commission's insistence to own the road and cater to development, its ownership must be transferred and the street  maintained by Lake Worth along with stormwater drainage. It will cost the City of Lake Worth taxpayers. Scott Maxwell, along with Triolo, Amoroso and Szerdi, believe that developing the Park of Commerce is our salvation. Businesses will re-locate here and all sorts of ad-valorem will enter our city coffers. This is a pipe dream and a lie perpetrated on the people.

The commission complains about our existing crumbling infrastructure.  They complain about pot holes.  They complain that the voters said "no" to grabbing the cash and putting every property owner in debt for 34 years. But then, they want to actually create a new paved road at 7th Avenue South when they can't fix the roads they already have and plan on spending millions of your money at the Park of Commerce. They complain that they have no money. They can't and never have taken care of what we already own--not once--anywhere in this 6 mile radius.

But the best commission bonus of all--the "visionaries" are getting their way by spending $6 million at the Park of Commerce...they originally wanted to spend 3 times that. We knew not to trust them with the cash and half the voters (plus 25) told them that.


Weetha Peebull said...

If it only were a wish for just a pie in the sky! Much less expensive and kinda cute!

What this is, is the elected having lost their minds and so has anyone that believes the lies! They should be renamed the 'PPP' for Pinocchio Propaganda Punks! The most frightening part is they 'make it up' (the rules) as they go along - there are no set rules a vote of 3 to 2 can't change! I only pray for Godspeed in extending back the same behavior so they see how harmful they have been to rules that should be 'just - known - predictable' and not revenue generators mixed into a BS word salad that needs to be tossed - forever!

Weetha Peebull said...

Tell us again 'dais' how Rentals are the problem w/Lake Worth and we need responsible home owners to change that - yet you continue to approve (tax incentive?) RENTALS in the very place intended for businesses; thus the name 'Park of Commerce' (POC).

Are you even aware of the "Porn & the Playground" zoning snafu? The POC is the area of our city where 'an adult' style store/club can go. What 'buffer' will you require to keep this far from kids?

Is this an open invite for perverts & pedophiles to peep at the playground after peeping at porn?

Time to connect the dots and keep our kids safe from danger!

Anonymous said...

200 years is a better estimate of the possibility or likelihood of Lake Worth taxpayers realizing a return on their tax investment in this insane upgrade.
More later.

Anonymous said...

Weetha has the munchies for that piece of pie

Weetha Peebull said...

I'm glad some are aware of Weetha! If you didn't hear the message I'd be of no interest! Glad to know you can't un-hear the truth but take lame shots here and there! You've encouraged me - Thanks!

Anonymous said...

JESUS JOSEPH AND MARY ! I find it hard to believe that this Commission is so stupid, yet they keep proving that they are, time after time ! Go to any south Fla. city and drive around THEIR empty Park of Commerce's.Did every city commission around here swallow the same B.S. pill ??? 1341

Anonymous said...

The CRA spent $14 million plus to redo 6th Ave South and 10th Ave. North to welcome and encourage mixed used development.
How did that all work out?
Well, we have one large low income rental on 6th Ave S and absolutely no development on 10 th Ave. N.

Kind of a poor return on the millions of our taxpayers' money
invested in that sophomoric scheme.

Now our representatives want to spend another $6 million of our money an less than a mile of a road we did not have to worry about until said reps decided to spend OUR money to upgrade it.
Even if all of the land were to be developed to the limit of the Land Development Regulations (and of course with private property, this is a fantasy) it would still take well over a hundred years to make the taxpayers' whole.
Remember, only 20 % of the taxes collected goes to our City each year.
$6 million does, however, leave a sizable sum for nourishment of "Corruption County"

Anonymous said...

I met a fellow citizen at the supermarket yesterday. He has spent much of his life in infrastructure and road installation.
He said that there was a 23 acre site in Boynton that had gotten an estimate for basic roads and infrastructure for $2.5 million.
Our $6 million proposed expenditure seems way out of line for less than one mile of road.