New Business (B) on tonight's Agenda
Bryant Park Boat Ramp
Permit Fees: Fees are fixed and cannot be pro-rated...unlike the beach decal parking permits where the city bends over for these Snowbirds who don't arrive until the Winter Season and can't even pay the full price.
- Palm Beach County Resident: $37.10 (includes tax) - Palm Beach County Residents must produce a current Florida boat registration showing a Palm Beach County address AND an ID such as FL driver’s license, voter registration, or property tax bill with a Palm Beach County address.
- Out of County: $159.00 (includes tax) – Out of County Users must produce a current state boat registration and provide a copy of identification (ID) such as a driver’s license.
- Commercial: $159.00 (includes tax) – Commercial Users must produce a current state boat registration and provide a copy of identification (ID) such as a driver’s license.
- Replacement Permit: $5.00 (includes tax) Will be issued for lost, stolen, defaced permits. If boat trailer is sold, original sticker needs to be peeled off and brought back with new registration in order to get a replacement for $5.
Unfortunately, Mt Timms was confused about this issue last night, he confused this with parking at the beach. I have read your comment on the side about socking it to the people, and I totally disagree I personally charging the resident $1.92 a week to park is really socking it to them.
Glad you disagree with it as it was not MY quote. I don't have a big mouth.
It's our beach anony at 2:12. Why do you think the city should charge so much? We support the beach year round. This is a benefit for being a resident, not a non-resident. It should go back to $10 for residents. If they have to bend over for property owners then make them pay $2.00 an hour at the meter.
So anon at 3:39 do you really think that the 77 cents that you are paying now a week is helping to support the beach? And to think you think that is still to much, you want to go back to 19 cents a week. Hello it's is 2014 not 1951.
Giving the residents a benefit was NEVER about supporting the beach.
Lynn, because you live in this city, why do you think you, or any citizen should feel you are entitled to any benefits? Isn't living in this Quaint Low Rise City enough?
Why do you, anonymous, who does or doesn't live in this city think that the commission should raise the rates or take the benefit away? We have had decal parking stickers for residents for more years than I can remember. Who do you think YOU are? You don't give a resident a benefit and then make it difficult. You will feel, and rightfully so, resistance to just another bad decision. It's OUR beach. RESIDENTS. And renters with a year long lease are and have been entitled to a beach decal...they are residents all year round. The rare resident who would break a lease and then use the beach decal are probably non-existent.
I really wish that the people making these decisions actually went out and talked to the people, not just the whining Snowbirds who are not residents. Also, they should utilize our beach more often to get a feel of what they speak. This is NOT about who pays taxes.
We could debate this one until Jesus comes back. Aren’t the parking decals called resident parking permits? What’s the definition of resident?
1. a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.
living somewhere on a long-term basis.
So now we have to debate what on a long-term basis means. Is someone who has recently moved to LW eligible for a resident parking permit if they haven’t lived here for a long time. Is long term basis 5 years, 10 years or is 20 years long enough to be eligible for a parking permit? A renter would not be eligible unless they’ve lived here for the same amount of time we decide what is a long-term is. If they, renters, don’t own the place they live in the owner could sell or not re-new the lease and they’d have to move to another place. So they wouldn’t meet the threshold of permanently. What about people who live here, have a homesteaded property but go to North Carolina for the summer. Would they be eligible? How would the city be able to know if residents are here permanently? What is the definition of permanently?
in a way that lasts or remains unchanged indefinitely; for all time.
People who own homes or condos here come here year after year, unchanged. Most would be here longer if our government would allow it. Now the word indefinitely is going to be an even tougher threshold to meet because even if you never leave LW sooner or later we’re all going to die and if we are not buried at our cemetery, the indefinitely requirement is going to be hard to guarantee.
When you say you wish that “the people who make these decisions went out and listened to the people, not just the whining Snowbirds who are not residents”. With the above definition of resident you could make a real good argument that seasonal residents are residents too. The parking permits are not called full time, year-round, residents or renters parking permits. They’re call resident decal parking permits. If they, the people who make these decisions, listened to me I’d tell them to raise the fee to $125 per year and offer them to everybody in the county, and to be able to park in any metered space at the beach. Less lines at the paying stations and I’d bet more parking revenue each year. But they can’t do what everyone wants or suggest.
Don’t we have enough to disagree about in LW. I went by the beach at lunchtime today and there were plenty of spaces in the decal lot. We are never going to agree on most things. Let’s all stop whining!
Without getting into it over and over again, a resident is someone who has a Florida Driver's License, a Florida vehicle registration and someone who votes here...who lives here at least six months and one day.
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