Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Some already feeling the pain of the government shutdown

Now since Obama would not negotiate with the Republicans and the government was forced to "shut-down," we will be reading and listening to a bunch of shutdown-horrors and atrocities in the eyes of those blaming the Republicans. How long will it go on?  Obama will not back-down in spite of the polls so it will be up to the Republicans.

President Obama will skip Malasia and the Phillipines next week in his Asian tour.  Read about it....  He says that this is an important part of his trip to promote U.S. exports and advance U.S. leadership in the largest emerging region in the world but he just can't do it, the shutdown, you know.

But the shutdown did not stop the Marines yesterday--

Karen Belier Getty Images

Vietnam Vets said Screw the shutdown, we are visiting the World War II Memorial anyway. They kicked down the barriers. Way to go, Marines!  To Boldly Go Where A FEW GOOD MEN Have Gone Before. And as a Marine would say, Improvise, Adapt, Overcome."

Meant to really punish the American people and to bring the Republicans to their knees, Today is Yosemite National Park's 123rd birthday. Due to the government shutdown, no one will be blowing out any candles. Visitors already there are being told to leave Yosemite as well as every other national park or attraction. If the Republicans are so stubborn says the government, it will show them who's boss.

The Sierra Club says, "... the fallout doesn't stop there. The EPA will furlough 9 out of every 10 employees, and communities around our parks could lose up to $30 million in business for every day of the shutdown.

I can't envision this "shut-down" lasting too long. I agree with the majority in the recent poll that says 72 percent of the people oppose shutting down the government to cut off funding the health care law. On the other hand I admire the Republicans for standing up to principle and actually listening to the people. The Quinnipiac poll says voters are split on the health care law: 45 percent support it, while 47 percent oppose it.

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