I don't know if you've seen the news but the Senate has voted to kill the emergency spending legislation passed by the House of Representatives. This cowardly action will likely have just one result -- shutting down the federal government over ObamaCare.
If Harry Reid and his liberal Senate allies are so willing to toss aside solutions worth their consideration, than they should do the right thing and delay the implementation of ObamaCare for all Americans.
This is not only a time for principle -- it's a time for patriotism.
It's just outrageous for Obama and Harry Reid to have arranged for special exemptions from ObamaCare for Members of Congress and their staffs but not for ordinary Americans. The truth is -- House and Senate Democrats should be ashamed by this and Americans should demand they be treated no different than the rest of us.
If ObamaCare is a bad deal, than it should be a bad deal for everyone and not just those who can't arrange for special treatment.
I hope that our lawmakers will rise to the occasion, keep our government open, and delay the implementation of ObamaCare.
Steadfast and loyal,
Lt. Col. Allen B. West, USA (ret)
U.S. Congressman (2011-2013)
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