~ Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo
Talking about the condition of our roads in Lake Worth and continually patching the potholes.
The commission is getting in its propaganda (along with "cracks" on the Casino expenses), for it's Lake Worth 2020 program. The Palm Beach Post says that 2020 refers to the date when most of the road improvements will be completed. I say it has to do with 20/20 vision from the "visionaries." Either way, it could be both if the voters agree.
The commission is beginning its education of the electorate/residents of Lake Worth looking for their vote in March 2014 on a general obligation bond--one that could commit the property owners up to possibly 30 years to pay off $80 to $100 million dollars. Most of the properties in Lake Worth are valued at less than $100,000 and pay little or no taxes.
For all the liberals who are balking at picking up the tab, isn't that a progressive democratic philosophy--tax the rich to benefit the greater good? It's easy for politicians to spend someone else's money. As much as we need our roads repaired and even completely resurfaced in many instances, a vote of the people should be interesting if this gets to the polls.
Our taxes are already at 8.945 mills, among the highest in the county.
Increasing the burden on the taxpayers by a 30 year bond for 3-5 times the size of the beach bond proposed in 2002 will make purchasing property in Lake Worth much less affordable and attractive.
At that time, $180.00 per $100,000 of valuation was the figure quoted as the result of that bond being voted in, and that bond was for "only" $19 million.
This proposal would be much more onerous for the taxpayers.
Can we add a small dump truck so that road repair crews will have enough asphalt to do complete and smooth repairs? Also reassigning part of the landscaping crew to do emergency road repair now that the growing season is over will help address the damage done by this summer's heavy rains.
I'm a renter but I guess my rent will go up even more. Maybe it's time to move out of here before someone says I don't have a voice.
Forgot--we have become a dictatorship in Lake Worth. No transparency--no voice-- and this commission and its few followers want to pay all of the road infrastructure as well as in the Park of commerce instead of telling the developers to pay for it off the backs of 25% of those who have property value.
With the attitude at 12:51, I say, "Let you pay."
The City can't ask less than 20 percent of its property owners and small businesses to pay this debt. These improvements have to be paid for by everyone who lives and uses this city. I cannot support making the cost of owning a home so difficult that our property values will fall. If I can buy the same house across the causeway in West Palm and save a $1000 a year in taxes, why would I buy a house in College Park. Not to mention the high electric rate that I also get when I cross over. If we truly can't afford to sustain ourselves as a city it may be time to think about bankruptcy and a complete reorganization of our finances. How does a broke city justify borrowing 80 million when we can't pay ourselves back for the beach loan?
Good luck.
The only people who will be making any money on this deal will be the financial institution and the general contractors. Then, even before the bond is paid off, the roads will have to be done again.
This is the "visionary" commission ?????????
I think the Only fair way to do this if it passes, and make it an Assessment, that way Everyone will pay their fair share, and not just fall on only 20/30 percent of the residents.
in march just say no to mayor rah rah. does she really think her base will elect her again. you know, the 15% she is putting on the hook for the 2020 plan. also, we have had quite enough of told ya so maxwell.
sounds like the fire tax assessment from years ago. That wasn't fair either and Waterman got defeated for ever thinking it was. How do you feel that someone making $14,000 a year should be the same as someone making $300,000 a year and living in a valuable house?
10:02, I get the feeling your recent posts are the beginnings of a campaign for office. If so, please rethink your position. You cannot win but will only muddy the water for serious candidates.
9:54, I get the feeling that you object to anyone having a different opinion than you have and you just love to muddy the waters by denigrating good people.
I hope Lawrence runs. Can't wait fir a debate were Dee is YELLING Lawrence you know how to answer that question I told you just this morning. Or Lawrence don't let them upset you you with these stupid questions.
Laurence is not running. Suzanne is not running. Stanton is not coming back. Satisfied?
Do you know of any serious candidates? It would have to be someone who has no clue as to the inner workings of dirty politics and someone who has some sick desire of being a masochist for the greater good. Not too many of that type left these days whether it is local or national politics. Frankly, we are doomed overall.
Spend, spend, spend, give our assets away for free mentality will not help our city or our nation.
I like anon at 9:32 pm. THANK GOD Lawrence, and Suzanne are not running. And Stanton is not coming back, God Is Good. These people with their lawsuits, and Poor advice have put us in the position of having no money, to fix up our assets, so we better give them away to someone who can bring tax dollars into the city. Be it the CRA, a homeowner, or a developer..
If you believe that, anonymous at 8:35, you are 100% totally mis-informed. Very sad and that is the problem with this city and why we are in the shape that we are in. Stop listening to the self-serving liars and the inept decision makers and those who want to steal the cash.
Instead of giving away our assets as a solution, we need leadership. It's easy to spend someone else's money. It's easy to give away city buildings. The people in this city should have a voice--not a majority on the dais. Oh, I forgot--we did have a voice and won a heights election that this city commission will not honor.
Now we have a city that wants to commit taxpayers to $80 million or more...a great way to steal the cash.
Luckily, we did not go into a partnership with Greater Bay. Luckily we did not contract with the County for water. Outsourcing police and fire was just plain dumb. And on top of it all, we write lousy contracts.
Nobody gets what is happening here. The mayor and CM are giving the electorate two bad options which, either way, makes them look good and leaves the citizens as the losers. Vote the bond up and you carry the costs for decades. Vote the bond down and they can say they tried, but the citizens must not have considered infrastructure to be a priority and didn't want the city to fix it. All future complaints will be met with a shrug and the CM saying "I tried but the people didn't want it". Win-win for him; lose-lose for us. Time to demand other alternatives.
I agree anon, forget the bond, make it an assessment, then all cover the cost, and they can all say how they carried the weight, for the next generation.
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