PB Post photo
Another gorgeous 3.2 acres of waterfront property soon to be bulldozed for what neighbors describe as a 25 story monstrosity. It's all been delayed until January 6th as the West Palm Beach Commission was concerned about two towers instead of one. They should have concentrated on the set-back waiver to the developer and ruining the sky-line forever...or perhaps listening to the people?
It is said that 1,000 people a day move to Florida and we are one development away from environmental ruination. If elected officials can't be trusted to save our waterfronts, who can? Church leaders say the sale will get them out of debt. They did not listen to their members nor did they care. It's always about the money...selling your soul to the devil--30 pieces of silver.
TO THE CHURCH, hold a fundraiser and save our waterfront.
$20,000,000 sale....
thats a lot of zero's
its a far cry from 30 pieces of silver
I guess "everyone" has their price
.....hows that song go???
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot"
such a shame.....all for the almighty dollar
A greedy church. Shocking. I don't see any comments about those air-tight zoning regs that are designed to PROTECT against incompatible heights. Isn't that what they're always telling us here in Lake Worth? We didn't need a charter amendment, because the zoning regs are a better idea. And we have elected officials who respect what the people want, right? Just like in WPB, right?
What a joke. They must have some commissioners up for re-election in March. Bet you they manage to postpone out beyond the election. Going to have a little 9 story hotel issue surface soon too.
Right, it is even sadder that a church would sell out for this, sounds like they sold out to the devil too, hard to believe. Wonder if they will lose parishioners now? I thought the Baptist were smarter than this the way they preach and all. Very very sad.
"anonymous said...
$20,000,000 sale....
thats a lot of zero's
its a far cry from 30 pieces of silver
I guess "everyone" has their price
.....hows that song go???
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot"
such a shame.....all for the almighty dollar
October 29, 2013 at 11:19 AM"
Laurel, little by little city commissions are giving our cities away to the profit of a few. I drive down Flagler daily and am sickened to know that beautiful chapel will be replaced by 25 story condos. A 6 story hotel in our hotel district pales in comparison. The benefits over ride opposition. But lets face it, a hotel is a fairy tale in our blighted and crime infested condition. West Palm is threatening to destroy a landmark. We, here in L.W., CAN HARDLY SAY THE SAME.
You may have missed the point of my comments. But I do wonder why people are so enamored of PBSO when we are still "crime-infested".
My point is: zoning regulations in WPB prohibit that sort of development on that parcel because it was public policy to preserve the view (enjoyment) of the waterfront in WPB. This is good policy and it should not be changed in order for the few to profit at the expense of many. But it will change. I wasn't speaking of LW, I was specifically addressing changes in WPB. Circumstances vary from city to city, obviously. But I don't think that good public policy varies as much, if at all.
Here's a question for you to ponder . . . if building all these condos is going to positively benefit the budget in WPB, then why haven't the hundreds (maybe more?) of condos that were built downtown done that already? Why do they need more? Because that commonly-used "economic development/tax base enhancer" reasoning is just false. The more residential units you build, the more of a budget deficit you create. So it will never end. And they will continue to use the same flawed reasoning because most people believe them.
This piece of "land" was fill and the church was allowed to create this fill land so long as it remained open land forever. City of WPB is the party that is at fault here, they have permitted the deed restriction to be lifted and church has cashed in. Then developer comes in with two massive skyscaper condos that in no way comply with WPB zoning, setback, density, etc. and guess what, City is considering it. This is why we need restrictions build into our City charter.
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