~ President Obama, in his "Remarks by the President on the Reopening of the Government" and who wants to dismiss nearly one-half of the people of this country represented by the U.S. Congress and those members who stood up for what was right and why they were voted into office in the first place.
"There are people in this community who go out of their way to cause problems...hand to hand combat with people who don't want to know the truth...they don't understand....I feel argued against; I feel besieged, getting kicked to death by mice...$37,000 is the average taxable value for 87% of the people...I can't run a business like this."
~ Michael Bornstein, City Manager of Lake Worth, in his remarks about citizens who are concerned about the lack of code enforcement, not to mention the potholes, the slum, the blight and the crime and who question the explanations/excuses coming out of City Hall.
Both of these guys don't seem to grasp the fact that the citizens, we the people, are THEIR BOSSES and not the other way around!
If 87% of our city property has an average taxable value of $37,000 how does anyone expect that we are going to survive as a city. Does anyone think that any city manager could succeed with such limited resources? Is it possible that we no longer can sustain ourselves as an independent city. If our city government can't provide necessary services should we look to a new government like becoming part of the county that can provide those services? Are we just kidding ourselves that things will get better? Is it time to move to a city where there is the tax revenue to support the city? These questions keep running through my head.
at least President Obama knows and already told the American people that he was going to transform America. Bornstein didn't know what he was getting into here? Who's kidding who? Residents, keep up the good work.
Maybe it's time you remind Mr. Bornstein that he submitted his application for the vacancy of CM, he had the option of remaining in Lantana. He should have been fully aware of the issues the LW faced, if he didn't feel confident that he could make a positive influence in the community, then why did he pursue the
position. He was on very good terms with previous CM's so he was intimately aware of the dysfunctional atmosphere and if he is in over his head as he alludes too, leave the job and move on where his infinite talents can be better utilized, really just leave.
Incredible how many individuals take position and do nothing but complain, why as the CEO has he not resolved the problems, is it because he is incapable of knowing how to do so. Just another wanna be who is in why past his abilities.
To the person who said: "why as the CEO has he not resolved the problems" in reference to the CM: Are you so out of touch that you have no concept that there is no money to resolve the problems. The taxes we collect don't support the city. Is the guy suppose to print money. What do you suggest he do. We can't afford the basic services let alone all the other things. He is putting his cards on the table. If he had the balls he would suggest we file bankruptcy and get rid of our pension liabilities. We are broke and it's time to face the reality that broke cities don't function well. It doesn't matter who is at the helm.
That's right. The CM can't print money like Obama. And as Obama was elected by the people to lead, so was Mr. Bornstein hired for the same reason. It is unfortunate that our city is so out of control with the problems that continue to drag us down. We don't have the answers and we are looking to him to give them. He has presented 35 ordinances to help in code enforcement. Now let's implement them.
All Mr Bornstein needs to do is stop giving away everything like buildings to the CRA, the Gallo bldg, the Famous Restaurant, shuffleboard court & bldg,lost the chamber of commerce, got rid of the trolley, let the county take over the police,fire depts,getting ready to let the library go, so why not just go under the County?
Why pay City and County taxes?
Ok at 4:49, that pisses me off. Do you think that LW is the only city to have seen property values decline and revenues decrease, how is the situation being responded to? Always the same excuses, there are options to mitigate the very factors spoken about. The unfunded liabilities created by the insane defined pensions offered to a dysfunctional work force can be corrected as has been done in the private sector. Rather than a defined benefit make it a defined contribution. If the unions do not agree outsource the work to private sector work groups at a substantial reduction in cost to the taxpayer.
What has been done with the FEMA debacle created by failures within the city. How is the loss of reimbursement dollars so acceptable to a city claiming poverty. This is solely predicated on incompetence, what has the CM done to right this injustice and failure.
How about the millions of dollars squandered within the utility departments, again because of incompetence, has anything been done other than lip service.
True leaders provide solutions in the face of adversity, can this be said about LW, I think not. Someone with the right mindset could save a sinking ship, it isn't easy, but very possible.
6:47 I'm glad you pissed but you fail to see what's been done in the last two years. Stanton refused to hire a city auditor and we now have one. All of the accounting mistakes were made before the CM was hired. All of the legal mistakes were made before we hired a large firm to represent us. We have the largest poor population outside of Belle Glade and no other city in our county faces the problems we face. We have had virtually no investment because our land use laws remained in limbo for over 7 years. We now have new laws that make sense and encourage investment. All of this happened under the current administration. Yes we have problems with money and I wonder how we can continue to support a city that does not have the tax revenue it needs to survive. Do you suggest we go bankrupt to rid us of our pension liabilities?
1. It's true. Stanton did not fund the budget for an IA. This was during a severe austerity program to get the city back on tract and save it from unnecessary spending. We still had external auditors.
2. What legal mistakes? We had outside top attorneys for every case. The biggest legal MISTAKE, was this administration capitulating to Greater Bay and not firing that attorney who was only there to jack up fees it seems. Slam dunk my butt.
3. We have no investment because you, right along with all the rest, can't get rid of the slum, blight and crime and the illegals.
4. We now do have LDR's that were delayed year after year because of politics. William Waters finally accomplished this by working his butt off and it was Susan Stanton who hired him.
5. This commission can take the credit, but the Comp Plan has been a work in progress. You still managed to get a legal case over heights by screwing around with it.
6. You want this city to survive? Stop approving affordable rentals and clean up the mess. You rely on citizen volunteers to do the dirty work. Stop giving away valuable city real estate to the CRA and other non-profits for $1 buck a year. Take the CRA out of the downtown completely.
7. Do something with the out-of-control pensions. Make people work a complete day without sleeping.
8. Start answering to the citizens by taking calls and e-mails. Give the full story.
Lynn the biggest legal mistake was not preventing sitting commissioners from breaching the contract with Greater Bay. None of our attorneys gave the commissioners against the deal any legal advice needed to prevent this case from happening in the first place. None of our attorneys new how to get out of the deal without getting sued. None of our city attorneys were experienced litigators. The attorney we hired said after this case was settled that he never told the sitting commissioners that we would not be sued. Well guess what, that mistake cost us over two million dollars. I begged the commission to get a second opinion and they refused. The legal mistakes over the last 8 years have cost us millions. Had we gone to trial on Greater Bay and lost this city would have been forced into bankruptcy and our legal bill would have exceeded one million dollars on top of what we had to pay Greater Bay. We could not take that risk given the fact that 4 mock juries all sided with Greater Bay.
IF, IF, IF------------If Plato didn't discover that the world was round we would still be on a flat Earth? We hired outside professionals for everything, John, and you know that. Joslyn said we would win this. It was this commission and administration with the settlement mentality. It is a negative attitude about everything. That's what cost us $1.6 million for Greater Bay; it's what cost us in the billboards; it is always what costs us...a city scared to death that it might lose. It's cheaper to settled and mitigate the risk. We have a fine reputation where wimps are concerned. :)
A mock jury is just that. It is not the REAL WORLD. GB NEVER PERFORMED and was given every opportunity to do so no matter how politi9csw is spun in this city.
If the CM MB is going to refer to the citizens of Lake Worth as rodents, there is no hope for him at all here. He has become too negative acting like he cannot do anything and there is no money, using way too many excuses instead of being a positive problem solver and cheerleader for the city. Yet, he is happy taking his $135K salary though. The man cannot even respond to citizen concerns when they call or email him at CH. The mayor and city commish should consider reading the CM emails and cover their asses, this CM has neglected and not responded to so many citizens pissing off so many that this could now hurt the rel-election of all the incumbents running in March all because of this CM not addressing citizens professionally. The CM needs to be reminded that this is not all a game, it is very serious, the CM needs to respond and act, he needs to "DO SOMETHING" or jump ship so we can get someone else more competent who can sail our ship in our great little city by the sea.
".I feel argued against; I feel besieged, getting kicked to death by mice.."
Ok the city has hired an internal auditor, do you really expect that to transform the city from the cesspool that it has become to a thriving entity that will attract businesses and individuals to relocate to LW. The city had an auditor on staff before and had little influence on the city's stature. It is important to have a system of checks and balances, but it is the competency of the hired staff that makes a difference in performance at the direction of the GM/CEO.
What reasonable parent would want to reside in LW, the crime, gangs, prostitution and drugs are enough of a deterrent like alone that LW has one of the poorest performing school districts in the state. Why anyone wouldn't be enamored to reside in that lifestyle is inconceivable, it has so much to offer. Get a grip on reality and forget the fantasy of what you'd like it to be.
With respect to the bankruptcy claim due to the pensions as previously stated, change the current program from defined benefit to a defined contribution to mitigate the huge financial impact to the city. This approach has been implemented for many years in the private sector and WORKED. Explain why the expectation for city employees to receive a full pension after 20 years of employment is reasonable, can you name one private sector employee who receives that benefit.
While the city has lost revenues there are many ways to start a process to put LW on a sustainable path of existence. It is vital to identify the failures of the past and make the proper changes, otherwise the ineptness is simply perpetuated.
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