~ Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo
Pam Triolo said the above during a Channel 12 interview yesterday. The pothole problems are so bad in Lake Worth that residents turned to CBS 12 news for help.
Read more... and see the video.
The citizens have been complaining but were told that there was not enough money...we're doing the best that we can...we've had a lot of heavy rain, etc. Last night, and as a direct result of Channel 12's intervention on Lake Worth potholes, the city commission voted to fund two part-time salaries in the Streets Equipment Division. These positions were not budgeted for 2014. This is the first budget amendment for year 2014 that began on October 1.
If we have such a "great commission and great staff" why did it take Channel 12 to spring them into action. It is time to quit talking about who to blame. We elected you to fix the problems not grandstand. The mayor is right she is a good cheerleader, but she is not qualified to get in the game. Please do not run and give this city a break.
I don't think it's fair to blame the mayor or any commissioner sitting today for the pot hole mess. Done of the past mayors or commissioners since I have lived here except Nadine Burns pushed for road and sidewalk improvements. The biggest factor that is not talked about is the fact that the city is going broke. You cannot support a city when only 10% of the properties are paying enough in taxes to pay for necessary services. Add to that is the fact that 30 percent of our property is tax exempt. With no large businesses coming into the city and no other way to generate income we have a real problem. Our pension liability compounds that problem. So how are we still surviving? The electric bills we all pay are in reality our cash cow. Those high bills have caused our property values to drop and kept business away. Last year we paid over $17,000 in utility bills to the city. The City can't live without it and at the same time it is helping to destroy us. I have no idea how we get out of this mess but I know that without good code enforcement and police protection it doesn't matter what condition our roads are in. The survival of this city is really at stake.
Mayor, just how long do you look at reality before you get your hands dirty and dig in. Your husband calls you the fixer? Of what?
Hi Lynn , I read the article on the pot holes on your site , the bottom line is the public safety Unions are raping us ( Lake Worth .
Our system does not work anymore , it's set up for constant manufacturing and exporting goods that bring lots of money back into the country and it's not been happening for a very long time and it's not going to come anytime soon.
There is no way that anybody can run their household when 2 line items on you budget ( police and fire) are taking the cream off the top to the tune of 80% of your budget, it cannot work at any level ( whether public , personal or business ).
The only right thing to do is to file for bankruptcy, illuminate all public union work contracts and bring all workers inline with the private sector. No more retirement pensions with all the bells and whistles which are really what is killing us now.
I don't think that the average American mindset that governs us at any level has the capacity to do the right thing or find the solutions to the problem that the American mindset has created. Further more, our government is just a reflection of whom we the people are, our government sucks because we the people suck, I think that we are a very weak society.
We are at a huge cross roads as a society nothing can be fixed now without going thru the consequences of the negative action that we have already done in the past, it will be ugly and it will fix it self in the end.
This is happening all over this country, not just in Lake Worth.
9:43, we are not blaming the mayor and commission for the pot hole problem. We are questioning why it took Channel 12 to shame them into action. The rest of your comments are true, but you certainly muddy the water with your self serving opening.
The cm said 87% of the dwellings in L.W. pay little to no taxes. Is this mayor and comm. in favor of the 13% paying, thru a bond, the infrastructure plan? If so, I will campaign against all of them.
Sounds like the Mayor doesn't like the new Pot Holes person on FB https://www.facebook.com/pot.holes.50
The only commission I am going to blame for the current pot hole mess is the current commission. Who else would be responsible for all the pot holes that have gone unrepaired during their administration? I don't remember falling into pot holes on my morning walk under the prior commission.
Mayor Pam really seems to care and is doing her best. It is not easy with all the problems and the lack of money today to run this city. She does care and is trying. Not all the comma and CM are though. We need to get behind positive cheerleaders for our city and move forward the best we can. It is going to take a lot from all of us to get through all of this.
It takes a small dump truck filled with asphalt, a driver who is willing to assist a crew member or two, and starting the project now that the rainy season is virtually over rather than continuing to talk about it.
An adequate amount of asphalt needs to be spread and that will happen if there is enough on hand.
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