Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pandas used as Political Pawns

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Can you even imagine that Washington, D.C. Democrats and the Obama administration are using cute little pandas to blame Republicans for the shutdown?

Click here to read about panda cam shut down at the National Zoo. Some of these sorry politicians should have their offices there.


Anonymous said...

The longer that this bloated Govt. is shut down, the better it is for we the people!

Anonymous said...

Our Government provides us with a Panda Cam? Who knew!

I am sure Obama cried out, "Shut down the Panda Cam!"

Oh the humanity!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Republicans make fur coats out of the pandas, that's why they wanted the cameras turned off. The entire shut down is just a coverup for the republican slaughter of the pandas.

Anonymous said...

Heard that Obama likes Panda even better than dog.