Thursday, October 3, 2013

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The national coalition against domestic violence says, “One in three women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. We can change those numbers dramatically if we all take action,” says Rita Smith, executive director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. “October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and we are thrilled to be announcing our partnership with Valeant in the battle to end domestic violence. Together NCADV and Valeant will make a difference.”

On Tuesday night, Mayor Pam Triolo announced that October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Former Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill, an advocate of awareness and a victim herself, highlighted this pervasive problem in virtually all countries, cultures, classes and income groups during her tenure. Mayor Triolo, also a victim of violence, is continuing this important educational awareness. It is a complex and multifaceted problem with individual solutions that are appropriate for different women in different socio-cultural contexts.

Friday night, October 4, the city will be shining a light on domestic violence and the purple lights will be turned on at the Cultural Plaza to increase the awareness of domestic violence issues and it’s affect upon children and families and provide education on building healthy relationships.

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