Thursday, August 1, 2013

Where's the outrage here?

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White teenage girl nearly killed--gets attacked with stab wounds to her back, arms, stomach and kidney by black guy in a hoodie.

Read here.


Anonymous said...

We long ago stopped being outraged by black on white crime, but let's be clear, this was not a black on white crime, it was a black on hispanic crime. The only time anyone gets all crazy is when it's anybody on black crime.And then is only because we are racists.

That's why we have to repeal the "stand your ground" laws allowing you some kind of defense against ganstas in hoodies.

the Rev Al Sharpton and the motht reverend Jethie Jackthon need to fly up to Queens and protetht the hispanic community for being so oppressive to the passing-by blacks.

Anonymous said...

This is clearly not a racist blog.
I saw a unicorn on Lake ave this afternoon
Santa Claus will make his rounds on dec. 25th like he does every year
Bigfoot was captured in Washington state earlier today.
Republicans are willing to sacrifice high ticket donor money to openly support the struggling working class.

Lynn Anderson said...

Cute. Ask your idol, President Obama, about all those $35,000 to $50,000 a plate fundraisers from all his fat cats...George Soros? Who are you kidding? Yourself. If you have no argument, you call someone a "racist." Pathetic.