Ever since Tom Ramiccio decided to run for Mayor, he has been showing up at city commission meetings, sitting on the front row next to the editor of The Herald, a long time friend.
Ramiccio has said that once he is mayor, "I will fire the city manager." He makes no bones about it. He doesn't give reasons why he doesn't like her--you don't have to have reasons when it comes to politics, a deadly game. Perhaps it is because Susan Stanton is trying to run a tight ship. Perhaps it is her bravery in standing up to the Unions and he covets their endorsements. Perhaps it is her audacity to ask for a reduction in costs with the PBSO. Perhaps.
For some reason The Herald thinks that people who complain the most must be always right. Scream and screech and you have its attention. Complain about our city manager and the newspaper agrees. Complain about some of our commissioners, and it agrees. One commissioner complains about everything and the paper agrees and treats Commissioner Maxwell like a long lost son. No opposing opinions are ever sought. Isn't that what newspapers normally do? In this city, as in most, it is to sell newspapers. Seriously.
Thursday it gave glowing accolades to Tom Ramiccio. It suggested that Tropic Fest, our July 4th event will be forever a failure too with no Tom. Tom coined its name and got kudos for that. The editorial suggested that the Chamber will be a failure because there is no Tom at the helm...but he was fired by the Chamber, Mr. Editor, and usually someone is not fired unless there is good reason. Did I say "usually?" True, the Chamber did receive increased membership under Ramiccio. What The Herald failed to mention, this was a financial gain to Mr. Ramiccio as he received 20% of each membership fee that went right into his pocket. Tom is persuasive--just ask Lake Worth Florist or Havana Hideout.
Tom won his election as Lake Worth mayor in 1997. In 1999 he was re-elected. During his second term as mayor, he violated Section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes; whereas the State imposed a civil penalty of $2,000; and issued a public censure and reprimand for his strong-arm tactics against the owner of one of our downtown shops. He did not like her putting a campaign sign in her window of the opponent. His witnesses were: Bjon Javid, Barbara Massey, Wendy Newmeyer, H. Patrick Parrish of the Lake Worth Herald, and Marianne Webber.
The editor of The Lake Worth Herald condemns the present Chamber for not coming through for this year's Fest (like Tom used to do) but fails to mention that money is tight for all budgets. Those corporations that Ramiccio used to put the squeeze on don't have the money anymore. The economy was a little different while Tom was in charge of the Chamber and so were the finances of this City.
Yesterday Ramiccio got the endorsement of the Police Benevolent Association that will encourage all its members, members' families, friends, etc. to cast their vote for Tom. As Tom has made a political statement as a proponent of keeping PBSO, I doubt that he will be able to put the arm on the Sheriff as he once did with his buddies at the LW Police. I was at a table in front of a store front with the owner's permission, and not on public right of way, for the SuperMajority. He called SWAT to kick us to our heels and stop our constitutional right. So much for abuse of power.
Now let's see who the Lake Worth Chamber endorses. That one will be interesting and nothing will surprise me. Absolutely nothing.
Lynn, you have only touched on the surface. Do some more investigating.
Under Tom Ramiccio’s irresponsible leadership, as Mayor and commissioner, is when Lake Worth started spinning into financial disaster. Examples: He took $500,000 out of the Utility and bought the bank behind the post office. After we bought it, we find out the building couldn’t be used for offices for the Utilities. We took a loss on that. He signed a contract with Enron’s subsidiary to bring gas from the pipeline into our generators and we were not generating electricity. It is decisions such as these that have put Lake Worth into this financial downward spiral.
John Jordan
This guy made some terrible decisions and is known for being a bully. The best thing he ever did was swim across the Waterway. Now he wants to sell our Utility, the only thing keeping this city afloat during these difficult times. Good going, Tom.
Ramiccio tried to sell off our PUBLIC PARKS to the highest bidder!He sold city property to his buddies at way ,way under fair market value. He called out the S.W.A.T. team on Lake Worth citizens who were LEGALLY collecting signatures for a ballot initiative.He was mad about the downtown merchants putting on an event that was out from under the Chambers thumb(Bike night).He told code to shut down the owner of Havana Hideaway on the morning of the event in a mean spirited attempt to ruin her business for the event.The list goes on and on. Tom Ramiccio is an ego maniacal bully.
Thanks for sharing, I am new here and had heard rumors about this Ramiccio and financial wrong doings.
I read all the blogs for information to get better feel, taking into consideration all views. The Tom Ramiccio info seems to be on everyones lips.
I met Ramiccio and he seems straightforward about stuff in Lake Worth. How come he doesn't like the city manager?
Ethics and truth are strangers to Ramiccio.
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