We all know that we have a lot of blight. It is not just in one district of our city but situated in all four corners on almost every street. I consider brown or dead grass blight, as it contributes to the overall negative appearance of our city.
While driving down a couple of streets, Katie and I stopped and took a few photos of some unkempt properties in Lake Osborne Heights, District 1. A few are in the same neighborhood as Commissioner Scott Maxwell whose top priority used to be Code Enforcement until the policing issue came along.
We also noticed that the biggest percentage of the properties seem to be complying with our once a week watering schedule as most had brown grass. Once a week watering is a main reason why our community looks blighted and why all neighborhoods throughout Lake Worth look shabby. No matter how much care you take or how much money you spend, you can never have a green lawn--yards will always look neglected. No one wants to move next door to a" deadbeat," the impression you get when you see a brown, dying or dead lawn.

once a week watering cycle. We all would
love to have our lawn look like this.
What is totally unfair are other areas outside of our city that buy our water and do not have to comply with Lake Worth's water restrictions.
To get curb appeal and attract home buyers to our city, we must be able to water our grass at least to the point of allowing it to look like green grass, not weeds. It used to be three times a week; then it went down to two and now it is at one day a week.

It's like the guy dying of thirst on the desert--one little dribble of water is not going to keep him alive. And that's what's happening to our city--dying before our very eyes from lack of water. Bring on the rain.
Um, you must not have looked at the news today. I am sure the other areas will have their watering cut back!
We won't be worrying about green lawns, we will be worrying about water to drink!
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. -- Today the National Weather Service in Miami placed parts of Palm Beach and Broward Counties in a more severe drought status.
According to the National Weather Service, the large and prolonged rainfall deficits have led to worsening of drought conditions across South Florida, "with areas of metro Broward and Palm Bach counties now in a D4, or exceptional, drought status. The rest of South Florida remains in severe to extreme drought conditions.
The conditions plunged eastern Broward and Palm Beach counties into the “exceptional drought’’ category on the U.S. Drought Monitor, the first time any area in South Florida has fallen into the most extreme status.
You mean the best commission ever and best city manager ever don't have anything to do with the blight?
Gee, is this Wes or Mark or one of the boys?
I too thought of that when I read your post. I agree that the BCE's insistence on once a week while EVERY OTHER CITY in Palm Beach County can water at least twice as much is just one more piece of evidence your heroes are trying to make Lake Worth more affordable for poor people.
Well.... IT'S WORKING!!!
Thank you for your support.
I believe it has something to do with salt intrusion. But you knew that.
You refer to this commission or the past commission as "my heroes." I just notice good and evil when I see it. No commission is "mine" per se. No one is perfect but some are certainly wiser and better than others. I sincerely hope that you will get the wisdom to see that too. :)
To the person who says look at the news-other areas are having their watering cut back- They are having their watering cut back NOW. We here in Lake Worth have been suffering with the stupid one day week watering restrictions for HOW LONG NOW ?!? Every other city could water,but boy, not Lake Worth!!To blame the SFWMD is ridiculous. It was a Commission decision.It still is.Lynn is right-our town does look like crap!There is no way I would move into a town where I couldn't even keep the damn weeds alive.Why all the talk about composting when you can't even water a garden? A ton of people ion this town don't pay attention to these ridiculous restrictions. Their houses look great. those of us that follow the "RULES" have homes that look like CRAP!
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