When does the asking of one question deserve credit for an entire accomplishment? Ask the Lake Worth Herald.
Getting a fireworks display this year can be attributed to several factors. Commissioner Maxwell asked the question, "Can we look into getting fireworks by taking the money from the Special Events fund?" This is the very same commissioner who did not approve the audit or the budget but noticed this fund in it. So, without his question and without the City Commission directing the city manager to look into the possibility, we would not be having fireworks on the 4th. However, the majority of the credit should be given to Kathleen Margoles, the Assistant to the City Manager who fulfilled the last minute request.
Ms. Margoles contacted Zambelli Fireworks, a company in which she has had a long relationship. She was told that they had a last minute cancellation and that they could accommodate Lake Worth's request. Zambelli received verbal approval from the Coast Guard last Friday and City staff will be working on the other permits. The Commission and the public will be informed of the progress at the June 7th meeting.
So a high five and job well done goes to Kathleen Margoles and staff who ran with the request. Sometimes asking a simple question (Commissioner Maxwell's) does get results. Hillary would say, "It takes a village." In our case, it took a team and a staff member who hustled to get it accomplished. Now it will all be up to getting the permitting in time.
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