An excerpt from Mark Parrilla:
Lyn I have quoted this to others before and you have now become very deserving of it so I will share it with you " IT IS BETTER TO BE THOUGHT A FOOL THAN TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND LEAVE NO DOUBT!" Thank you for removing the doubts I had!
Last night I went to my very first Community Relations Board meeting. I had meant to get to earlier meetings but time got in the way. I really wanted to observe the meeting and Mark Parrilla who had always been on the side of reason, or so I thought. In fact, at the time I suggested that he become the Chair of this Board, a Board that I originally thought unnecessary--still do.
I don't know who several of the members are on the Board other than Carla Blockson, Chief Paul Blockson's wife, and a person rumored to be running as Commissioner in District 2 this year. There was one Board member who did not speak much English and wanted to know more about Martin Luther King and why he is being honored on a National Holiday. Herman Robinson is on the Board who left early because of another engagement. I know Herman from the Lake Worth Democratic Club when two elections ago some officers and directors were very confused as to whom to support--a Democrat Varela or a Republican Vespo. He was also on the P&Z Board back in the days of The Lucerne. I believe that his wife was the Chair of the CRA back then. There are a lot of dedicated people on this board who joined to do some good and give back to the City and to those who need a voice.
Last night after being at that meeting for one hour and 10 minutes, I wish that Mark had taken his own advice above. The meeting was indescribable confusion and that's the kindest thing I can say.
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