Commissioner Grimm said it best last night--it was all about “communication, communication, communication."
This is all about a Sunshine Law situation that was circumvented on purpose with forethought. It appears that Hands-On-Consulting has been communicating with the CRA Director who has NOT been communicating their progress to her Board. Why is this going on? The only reason for this to be happening is to keep the plans and progress (if there is any) OUT OF THE SUNSHINE. Perhaps the Board should be communicating with its Director. This, as well as past Boards, seems to protect its Director regardless. They are just as responsible for this situation.
Joan OliviaHave the Director give some specific direction to give to Hands-On. Have them develop a web site. Develop a program. Develop a “brand.” Develop a strategy. If this group can not perform because of market conditions, and all the other reasons given last night or if they have been told "not to worry about it" per the Director, then do not renew the Contract and count your losses. Let’s not prolong the agony for another mistake by a previous CRA Board with one former member that voted on hiring this company, defending them last night.
Hands-On has been Hands-Off. They have not performed one thing under the Contract and if they have, only the CRA Director knows what they have done as they communicate with her regularly and sometimes on a "DAILY basis." They say the plan is all "in their head." They did a "head game" on the Board last night that was trying its best to be polite and get answers. The CRA Board says it wants to see tangibles. The CRA Director has allowed this circumstance to occur with Hands-On and someone has led them to believe that it is the City Commission's fault for their lack of progress. Joan Olivia was silent throughout the entire process.
The City residents had no say a year ago when this decision was made as to how their city was going to look. The CRA made a major decision, good or bad, to have Lake Worth become an artist destination. One year later, we are where we started. One year later we have spent $200,000 with nothing to show for it and NO promises of any performance in the future with a CRA Director that is a party to the lack of transparency.
It is time to get concrete answers and to know if they have ANY possibility of performing. If we can not get them properties, then we need to stop this now. Demand that Hands-On Report in the Sunshine. Let's make this Board accountable or you will have a whole lot more questions from our elected officials. Demand that your Director keep you apprised of all progress. I am rather sure that the city commission will have no problem in communicating to you its displeasure and then we will see how "independent" you really are.
1 comment:
The CRA's take back by the Commission, is evidently to honest thinking Citizens, overdue.
Our monies have been spent on vanity projects, no service to any one. The last $8.6million was given to a contractor, redo 1/2 mile of 10th ave. North. without putting out for bid.How dare they! Why not , no leadership anyway at the Commission level!Only personal agendas are handled! In this ecnomic time we could have gotten it done for half. No Director is allowed to make such decision and lose millions..Manalapan had similar work done, with larger drain pipes
for $1.780.000 per 1/2 mile. A fiscally resposible Commission would have had it put out for competitive bid.6th Ave.So was a waste,no business came, no pedestrian traffic possible, false pretense to spend $6000.000. and we have a deficit? We must take the CRA back to spend the $23.000.000 responsibly.
Dee McNamara
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