Commissioner Jennings rode her bike during the Holiday parade with a sign on it that said something like “War is not the answer.” Neither is constant protest. One of our citizens spoke out last night against her decision stating that it was a “holiday” parade and protests such as hers should not be a part of the parade. The right of free speech is noble but in this instance the signage could have been left at home replaced by “Happy Holidays.” It would have been the more responsible and appropriate thing to do.
War is justified if there is direct or indirect aggression against the United States. It has to be morally correct, a realistic threat and we must be convinced that severe harm could come to our country. There are many times that war IS the answer. War is declared by Congress, but it is apparent that President Bush, when waging war against Iraq, believed his statement on renewing the US Patriot Act, that the Constitution “was just a damn piece of paper.”
Commissioner Jennings defended her bike sign with her protest message stating that if the local high school’s Junior ROTC members marched in the parade, she was justified in getting her anti-war message out there. I don’t think that she understands the purpose of being a member of this group.
The Junior ROTC is a group of kids that focuses on leadership development, problem solving, strategic planning, and professional ethics. There is no commitment to military service at this stage but its purpose is to produce people who can make responsible and informed decisions. The more you learn in this program, the more likely you are to be able to function effectively in a career in the community and in family life.
They are taught to respect their peers, superiors, and subordinates. Respect was not reciprocated by Commissioner Jennings last night when she made that statement.