Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Scott Maxwell - Always playing the Blame Game

Comment Up

Pg. 5, Regular Meeting, 02/17/2015
Vice Mayor Maxwell commented that there was mismanagement of City revenue in 2005 - 2009 when it had mega-millions of dollars in undesignated funds which should have been spent on infrastructure--it was not the current administration responsible for past mismanagement. This commission likes to believe that it is the savior of Lake Worth---tax the people to save them from themselves...and save them from another pothole.


2005-majority commission: Romano, Burns, Lowe, Egly (did not always vote with the majority), McKinnon
2006-majority commission: Burns, Vespo, Lowe
2007-majority commission: Clemens, Vespo, Lowe
2008-majority commission: Jennings, Mulvehill, Golden
2009-majority commission: Jennings, Mulvehill, Golden (the commission that hired Susan Stanton to STOP THE BLEED, which she did)
  • Expenditures in 2005 exceeded Revenues
  • Expenditures in budget year 2007/2008 exceeded Revenues...budget set in Fall of 2007.
  • Expenditures in budget year 2008/2009 exceeded Revenues big time. This Budget was set in September 2008
  • City Manager Susan Stanton was not hired until April 2009, six months after the Budget started. She worked on the 2009/2010 budget where Revenues exceeded Expenditures for the first time in years. 
  • Suzanne Mulvehill won her election on November 18, 2008 with 58.79% of the vote which was after the 2008/2009 Budget was already set and voted upon.


Lynn Anderson said...

To the last commenter whose comment was deleted--
This commission has been in power for 2.5 years now. There is no improvement within our city.
You need to take off your rose colored glasses and deal with reality instead of playing the blame game.
More people than ever are coming to my blog. It is you who has hurt the city, not I.
If you want to personally attack, go to the bully blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is not a personal attack. Your days of being a credible source of information are over.

Lynn Anderson said...

Is there something about this blog that you don't agree with?
As far as credibility, you post anonymously. There is NOTHING credible about you, not one thing.
You have LOST the last three elections. Figure out who is and who is NOT credible.
Go fight with someone else and while you're at it, start listening to the people..

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter who was in charge in 2008-2009 (and even 2010-2011) the country was in the Great Recession and the Florida real estate market collapsed. No one on either side can take the blame for the fact that the national and state economy collapsed.

Yes we were not in the best fiscal health when the recession hit so that made it worse but no one is to blame for the recession.

Anonymous said...

just a question. even the people favorable to your views post anonymously, except katie. why is that?

Anonymous said...

again, why are your people afraid to post their name?

Lynn Anderson said...

character assassination from attack dogs and the bully.

Anonymous said...

How many minutes did that blowhard Maxwell lecture the people last night?And everybody that voted against the cash grab is a RACIST?????

Anonymous said...

Despite your efforts Lynn to make your personal battles the cities utmost concern we are somehow making great strides.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, I guess you and the majority commission helped us get Ryan Maier elected. Thanks for helping us make great strides.

Anonymous said...

She said it you know it yet you threw the employee under the bus.Really shows your lack of character.

Lynn Anderson said...

What is the name of this employee? It hasn't yet been revealed. No one was thrown under the bus other than Mrs. McNamara.

Anonymous said...

Are you F-ing crazy, anony at 10:56. How do you throw someone under the bus when the city is protecting this employee and won't even reveal who it is. An anonymous complaint, sort of like yours. Both worthless.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I wonder how much these guys who watch every little thing you post and run right over and try to post crazy comments about it are PAID?? And BY WHICH DEVELOPERS???? They don't seem to have real jobs. So we have to wonder what their occupation is. I've figured it ought. They are PAID HACKS. PAID BY THE DEVELOPERS to attack YOU. Because they hate truth. They hate the light. They gather under cover of darkness and scheme on how to screw the people and make more and more and more money for themselves. You stand in their way because you speak the truth!!

Lynn Anderson said...

No--there's just a bunch of very mean and evil people in the city---they even went after Common Ground Church. How bad is that?