Monday, July 22, 2024

FBI connected to Trump Assasssination Attempt?

Conspiracy Theorists are over-loading the Internet on who was behind the Trump Assassination attempt

One charge is that FBI Asst. Director Janeen DiGuiseppi was sitting directly behind Donald Trump as the bullet whized by.

Snopes says it is false.

To get into the nitty gritty, go to around 14 minutes into the video.


RG said...

Lynn - this nonsense was dispelled the very first day after it was suggested.
It's not her.

Lynn Anderson said...

Snopes and fake news sites agree with you

RG said...

Real news, Lynn.
It's fake.

Anonymous said...

RG did you watch the video? This woman has a peculiar reaction and even a slight smile on her face. Watch it again. it's around 21 minutes or so.

Lynn Anderson said...

RG at 11:12...was the assassination attempt fake as well?

RG said...

Oh please Lynn. What a ridiculous thing to say.
And @ 11:39 - Yes. And many others like it.
This is not the FBI Asst director.
People say I look like Ray Romano.
I'm not Ray Romano.
Don't be sheep, folks.
That's what they do.

Lynn Anderson said...

Gosh, RG, it was a joke!!!!
This was an assassination person was killed and two were severely injured.
Anything is possible.
Have you been listening to the Secret Service Director today? Now that's a real joke.

Anonymous said...

When your life is a bore and you have nothing but bologna sandwiches to look forward to each evening, you believe in conspiracies.

Lynn Anderson said... think I consider my life a bore? LOL.
Actually, tonight, I had grilled ham and cheese.

Anonymous said...

Why did someone from the FBI meet with crooks 9 times at his home and work before the shooting? The cell pings prove it look what heritage and revolver news have discovered, they tried to kill our President! Just like they did to JFK!