Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"Kamala Harris would be worse than Joe Biden in the Oval Office"

J.D. Vance lowered the boom on Kamala Harris with one brutal fact

J.D. Vance is settling into his attack dog role as Donald Trump’s running mate.

Now he’s hitting the campaign trail running.

And J.D. Vance lowered the boom on Kamala Harris with brutal facts.

“She signed up for every single one of Joe Biden’s failures, and she lied about his mental capacity to serve as President,” Vance said. “Our country has been saddled for three and a half years with a President who cannot do the job, and that is all because Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democrats lied about his ability to be our President.”

“I think we’re gonna kick ’em all out come November and replace them with some people who care about this country,” said Vance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If she wins I am moving out of the USA,I cannot take 4 more years of the demonic Dems.