Wednesday, July 31, 2024


The video Elon Musk dropped on X for all you non X users. This is hilarious...


Anonymous said...

You might want to inform your readers that it's fake...although knowing this blog, you probably won't.

Lynn Anderson said...

#7:21...our readers are more astute than you give them credit for.

Anonymous said...

this video is cool. Dems must be pissed off. Too bad.

Lynn Anderson said...

Democrats have no humor...none at all. :(

Anonymous said...

I have a great sense of humor. All you had to do is tell your readers that it was a parody or fake. That's it. Nothing more. But because you're all about disinformation, lying and just plain fooling your readers, you refused to do it. You have zero respect for the people who come here and rely on you for accurate and truthful info. You take advantage of their trust.

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:27...not sure about yur humor. It was marked comedy/spoof in the labeling.

Dan Volker said...

To anon@6:27
This is an amusing video about a woman that is trying to destroy America with her communist agenda, and whose intelligence is much lower than what would be required for office. I don;t think it is possible to mislead a reader about Kamala, unless you were claiming something good about her. Its time to drop the propaganda, and call a turd...a turd.

Anonymous said...

See Lynn...Dan bought it hook, line and sinker...just like he does everything else.

Anonymous said...

Ok slave for Satan, we hear ya, hater!

Anonymous said...

They reported the other day that her husband is really gay on some news outlet. So is that a lie too? Will well ever know?

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:48...Dan understood it was a spoof. You are the one who was annoyed with it.
Laugh a little. :)

Anonymous said...

We won't be laughing if she becomes president though, that is for sure! Scary! What a slave!