Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Biden Health Scandal

The Biden health cover-up is a scandal to match Watergate

And while Cackling Kamala and her White House co-conspirators keep silent - here's when the full shaming truth will finally come out.

The failed coverup of Biden's patently dire condition discredits everyone close to his White House – including his Vice President.

Who do they think they're fooling?

By dropping out of the 2024 race, Biden has finally admitted that his age and his apparent decline prohibit him from fulfilling the job of president one day longer.

He wasn't even able to face the cameras to declare his withdrawal on Sunday, instead sending in his notice via a letter posted in a Tweet.

Even aged 96, Queen Elizabeth II showed up to greet a new British prime minister two days before she died.

It's also finally brought out once-loyal Democrats to admit what's been going on behind closed doors (though, of course, silent they stayed until it all threatened their own chances of winning).

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

You really can't compare the two circumstancex.

Nixon was a brilliant politician, with a cabinet of equal intellect. Today we are living in what I would call, "the dustbin of history" with so called leaders, who couldn't run a condominium.

Anonymous said...

biden has to be the biggest loser and lowest IQ of any president, but he was illegitimate, his regime is from Satan, they are all pure evil.

Anonymous said...

Doubt it was him last night or today in public he has a double who is doing some fill in, maybe he is really dead?