Tuesday, November 28, 2023

It's now four running for Mayor

Another one running for Mayor--now we have 4

On November 27, the Clerk's office received the Statement of Candidate form from Alexander Philip Cull who lives at 1616 North M Street.

According to Linkedin--Mr. Cull was on the Planning & Zoning Board. His term ended July 2023.

He lives on North M Street and has owned his home since February 2020.

At present he is a full time Senior Deal Coordinator Amazon Business · Full-time Jan 2023 - Present · 11 mos


Lynn Anderson said...

I have been told by a reliable source that Mr. Cull was removed from the P&Z for missing meetings.

Anonymous said...

Still voting for Andy!

Anonymous said...

Just what we need: A DEI Stooge from Amazon running Lake Worth.

Anonymous said...

Another Mcvoy choice

Anonymous said...

still NO to andy

Anonymous said...

Andy will be getting my vote.

When Betty Trash was asked of her accomplishments, she has nothing to say. She thinks her photo opps at the culminating activity means she accomplished it. The Bohemian was started way before she took office. Her accomplishment.... stalling Gulf Stream Hotel?

Homophobic won't vote for Andy. Thats a reflection of themselves, not a reflection of Andy.

Anonymous said...

Andy is not an upright candidate he was ousted a few years ago, it went to his head, he is very self serving.

Lynn Anderson said...

Good morning,
Alexander Cull is not on either P&Z or HP Board. I do not maintain this website page. The link you provided is the correct list of current members of the P&Z Board.


Sherie C Coale
Executive Secretary - Department for Community Sustainability

Anonymous said...

And he's not getting my vote he won't do nothing with the swimming pool way back when and now it's a million dollar mess well he thinks about his number one he had a store and he put tables out blocking the sidewalk and people couldn't get down the street with a wheelchair so no to Andy

Anonymous said...

Anyone's better than Andy we need to get some flesh blood and actually want to do something for the city instead of giving everything away or building houses and apartments that are going to be hurting our roads or sewer systems our power grid nobody cares

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:13...the only stores that I recall that put out tables on the sidewalks were the restaurants.

Anonymous said...

Right I agree he never did anything to fix the pool back when he was in office previously. He is a pathetic sponge on the tax payers dime.