Friday, October 13, 2023

Global Jihad called for Today

STAY ALERT: Hamas Leader Calls for Global Jihad This Friday!

The former Hamas leader called for global demonstrations in favor of Palestinians and urged Arabs in surrounding countries to take up guns against Israel.

Khaled Meshaal, Hamas’s leader from 2004 to 2017, urged the Islamic world to join the rallies.

The rallying cry came as Israeli forces continued to strike the Gaza Strip in response to Hamas’s devastating surprise attack over the weekend, which killed about 1,200 Israelis, took over 100 hostages, and injured 2,700.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Went to the Publix on Dixie today and saw a guy hanging around the produce section a lot. He kept looking at all the produce real close and then putting it back. I thought he might be poisoning it so I was getting ready to call 911 when he turned around and I saw that he was a employee.

I was embarrassed at first but realized he did look a little Middle Eastern so, you know, you can't be too careful. Everyone and anyone could be a terrorist, you know?

Anonymous said...

How did you know he was a Publix employee? Terrorists could easily obtain Publix uniforms and pretend to be employees. I would have called 911 anyway and let the police verify with the manager that he was who he claimed he was. These guys are sneaky and we can't let our guards down.