Monday, October 30, 2023



  • God is real.
  • There are two genders.
  • Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
  • Reverse racism is racism.
  • An open border is no border.
  • Parents determine the education of their children.
  • The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
  • Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
  • There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
  • The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.


Anonymous said...

As things stand right now, this is who I am voting for!

Anonymous said...

For all of your religious followers who might think Vivek is too young to be President, let me remind them of Isaiah 11:6:

"And a Little Child Shall Lead Them"

Anonymous said...

Haha! Good grief! If that’s how you interpreted that then go ahead fella.