Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Criminal Terrorists Convicted in New Mexico

Five Convicted Of Supporting Terrorism, Establishing Fortified Compound With Ammunition To “Face The Nation”

Federal jurors in New Mexico Tuesday convicted five of diverse charges including terror and kidnapping charges and conspiracy to kill federal employees.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, his sisters Hujrah and Subhanah, and Subhanah’s husband, Lucas Morton, were convicted of supporting and conspiring to support terrorists, as well as conspiracy to murder a U.S. officer or employee, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said Friday in a press release.

The latter three were also convicted of fatal kidnapping and conspiring to commit the same. Jany Leveille, the fifth defendant, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to support terrorists and possessing a firearm while living illegally in the U.S.

This is the terrorist trash we are getting in our country. Are any Democrats concerned about this?

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Do you not think that no one notices how you scan the internet looking for cases involving scary black men committing crimes so you can put them in the spotlight in your little blog about Lake Worth?

EVERYONE notices. And EVERYONE knows the reason why you do it, Lynn. One day you'll have to answer for it. And He knows when you're lying.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:12...everyone notices?
This blog has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with a terrorist who was in our country illegally thanks to Joe Biden.
Anything you are deducing from what I blog about is in your one little pea brain racist mind.
I keep noticing you coming on here a lot with your racism.
The only people thinking about RACE are progressives who have nothing else to bitch about.