Sunday, October 22, 2023

Biden--Embellishing his past

A compilation of lies told by Joe Biden

shows that the president has a tendency to change facts about his past and lived experiences.

Whether he intentionally embellishes, fabricates, or forgets due to his declining cognitive ability, Biden’s false comments are shared occasionally, even opportunistically placing him at the center of important events.

Last month Daniel Dale, a CNN fact-checker, surprisingly pointed out Biden’s “unfortunate pattern” of “making up or embellishing stories” about his biography during a media outlet segment.

Regarding his position(s) on gay marriage, then-Senator Joe Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996.

In 2006 during an interview with CNN, Biden confirmed his definition of marriage:

“Look, marriage is between a man and a woman. Tell me why that has to be put in the Constitution now? We already have a federal law that has not been challenged. No one’s declared it unconstitutional. It’s the law of the land, saying marriage is between a man and a woman.” []

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