Monday, October 2, 2023

Conservative Journalist Jack Posobiec put on Ukraine Hit Last

International hitmen got marching orders for a conservative journalist, and the legacy media hardly batted an eye

More than a few Americans might agree that reporters for legacy institutions often seem to have hero complexes, with all the gushing about saving democracy.

Even more so for foreign war correspondents at outlets like CNN – a network few would have heard of but for the first Iraq war.

But the legacy media hardly batted an eye when international hitmen got marching orders to take out a prominent conservative journalist. Even Elon was on the hitlist.

Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck on X
The US government is funding Ukraine while they spit in our face by putting American citizens on a hitlist for the crime of not supporting endless war in Ukraine. This is disgusting. Will legacy media ignore Ukraine targeting a journalist like @JackPosobiec?

Read about it...

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