Friday, July 28, 2023

Fatal Disease connected to Covid-19 Vaccines?

Horrible Link Between the COVID Vaccine and Degenerative Brain Disease Revealed…

"Recent studies have discovered that there is a rare and fatal disease that is connected to the COVID-19 vaccines.

According to two new clinical studies from Turkey and France, ‘Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines may have contributed to the emergence of a new type of sporadic CJD that is much more aggressive and rapid in disease progression than the traditional CJD.’

NHS classifies CJD as a “rare” disease caused by abnormal infectious proteins in the brain called “prions.” Typically prions are usually harmless, as they naturally occur in the brain, however that can change when they become diseased or misfolded. In response, the altered prions will affect nearby prions to also become misshapen, which leads to deterioration of brain tissue and death.

Currently, there is no known cure for the disease since one infected prion will propagate to other prions with no treatment capable of stopping its progress."

Read more about it...

Article debunking brain disease on Covid Vaccines and this entire Covid prion premise.

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