Sunday, July 23, 2023

Biden to give "Dreamers" HealthCare

Biden Hands $100M to Illegals for Health Care – You Foot the Bill!

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) and Representative Josh Brecheen (R-OK) sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra demanding he drop ongoing plans to use taxpayer dollars to give away health care to illegal aliens who are under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or “DACA” program.

In part, the letter reads--
“It is not in Americans’ interest to have the federal government use taxpayer dollars to provide health care to illegal aliens as their government fails to enforce existing immigration law against those same individuals.

“We urge you to abandon the proposed rule and not expand the definition of ‘lawfully present.’

“It is time for the federal government to prioritize Americans’ interests, and prioritizing health insurance coverage for American citizens and those here legally would be a strong start.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does anyone remember obama saying someone was going to push grandma off a cliff.well now his right hand man is pushing all of AMERICA over