Monday, July 31, 2023

Biden Crime Family Skake-downs coming to the world's attention

Attempted Deal In Libya Tidal Waves Over Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden, the son of now-President Joe Biden, allegedly requested an annual retainer of $2 million for access to then-Vice President Biden in order to help recover billions in Libyan assets frozen by the Obama administration.

In previously unreported emails unearthed by Insider, it appears that in 2015, Hunter "requested an annual retainer of $2 million" to leverage his father's role as Vice President to acquire political power and financial gain.

The emails were sent by business contacts of Hunter Biden, including Sam Jauhari, a Democratic donor, and Sheikh Mohammed al-Rahbani, another Obama campaign donor. In one email sent on January 28, 2015, Jauhari wrote that Hunter "wants to hire his own people.

It can be a close circle of people for confidentiality. His dad is deciding whether to run or not. His positives are he is Chairman of the UN World Food Program, son of #2 who has a Libya file, access to State, Treasury, business partner SofS [Secretary of State] J. [John] Forbes K [Kerry] son and since he travels with dad he is connected everywhere in Europe and Asia where M. Q. [Muammar Qaddafi] and LIA [Libya Investment Authority] had money frozen."

The mobster son who is/was adept at pay-to-play got his father involved...getting countries to pay money in exchange for favor or power...12 off-shore accounts. Politics is the biggest pay-for-play racket we've got and Hunter became an expert. And look at all our politicians who became millionaires on a congressional salary.

Hopefully, the Biden crime family is eventually going down.

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