Monday, May 29, 2023

Rick Scott issues Press Release on Socialists and Biden

Florida Issues Savage Response To Biden’s Socialism

In a move that has sparked controversy and drawn attention, Senator Rick Scott, a Republican from Florida and former governor of the state has issued what he calls a “formal travel advisory for socialists visiting Florida.”

Scott’s advisory, released on Tuesday, aims to convey a message that Florida is, in his words, “openly hostile” to socialists and those associated with the Biden Administration.

Scott’s press release asserts that the state of Florida fails to recognize and appreciate the contributions made by socialists and others working in the current administration.

“Let me be clear,” Scott states, “any attempts to spread the oppression and poverty that Socialism always brings will be rebuffed by the people of Florida.” He further warns that endeavors to promote socialism in north Florida will only result in ridicule and laughter.

Read about it...

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