Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Ongoing Debt Ceiling

Good morning from Washington, where politicians on the Left keep trying to gaslight the rest of us about raising the nation’s debt limit without requiring new spending discipline

Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy met Monday after a weekend of on again, off again negotiations over raising the nation’s debt ceiling and mere days before the government could reach a “hard deadline” and run out of cash to pay its bills.

The two sides are working to reach a budget compromise before June 1, when Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said the country could default.

McCarthy and Republicans are insisting on spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit. Biden has come to the negotiating table after balking for months but says the GOP lawmakers will have to back off their “extreme positions.”

Republicans are the only ones who have come up with a solution to reduce our debt.


Anonymous said...

None are fiscally responsible of their fiduciary roles as elected, ore country is in a mess and they just continue, taking huge paychecks on 9ur dime putting us into such debt, we can never get out of. They are supposed to be fiduciary. They are not. Greed corruption and self serving ways, a sin, this is not the way to run a household or country!

Anonymous said...

You're in Washington? Make sure you go see the Lincoln statue. It's my favorite!