Sunday, May 21, 2023

Maybe Hunter and Joe will both receive Justice

Joe Biden Hammered in House Investigation – President Served with Game-Changing Subpoena

What’s Happening:

  • The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed the records of Joe Biden’s phone, which his son Hunter was paying for under his business.
  • The IRS started looking into Hunter’s foreign income in 2018.
If you thought an investigation of Joe Biden wouldn’t amount to anything, you’re in for a surprise. After a lot of talk and no action, we’re finally getting some real movement against the President.

Biden has been stonewalling investigators looking into his involvement with Hunter, but the GOP just made its move, and Joe is not going to like this.
The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed phone records of a phone belonging to President Joe Biden that Hunter Biden’s business paid for, according to Peter Schweizer, Government Accountability Institute president in an interview on Tuesday.[…]
When you’re looking for something, sometimes it’s in the last place you’d think to check. Who would have thought a key piece of evidence would be on Joe’s phone instead of Hunter’s laptop?

Read more about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pray we get justice for our country and patriotism, that all corruption gets exposed and prosecuted from the left and any from the right, restore equal justice for all weed out corruption and fraud!