Tuesday, October 11, 2022

United States Oil Refineries

Top Saudi Arabian minister reveals real reason why Biden has an oil problem

President Joe Biden might act tough, but he’s completely beholden, now, to every other oil-producing country since he refuses to return America to the energy-independent state it was in under former President Donald Trump.

In the interview, al-Jubeir made it clear that his position is that the United States has problems it won’t acknowledge, specifically, refining problems.

“With due respect, the reason you have high prices in the United States is because you have a refining shortage that has been in existence for more than 20 years. You haven’t built refineries in decades,” he said. See link below.

But we have 147 refineries in the United States. Link below lists 139.

This is ALL about Joe and his stupid Green New Deal that is bringing down our country in every respect.

Link to top 10 refineries in the U.S. plus an excel link naming all of them in our country.

List of newest refineries


Anonymous said...

Well, al-Jubeir would know. He lived in Washington for years. You must remember him from Desert Storm. He was the spokesperson for the Emir of Kuwait.

Anonymous said...

What a mess this country is. All of these government officials, doing nothing for the country. Just feathering their own nests.

We really do need to hold these people accountable.

Anonymous said...

The idea that Biden can do anything that will affect the Saudis is laughable.