Sunday, October 9, 2022

Biden's Claim that Ian was caused by Climate Change

Biden Claims Hurricane Ian Proves Climate Change, Despite Hurricane Expert’s Dismissal

The main reason our country is in decline is Biden's Green New Deal

Biden and all Democrats believe this and tout it all of the time. We are going to eliminate greenhouse gases and save the world as all the rest of the countries on Earth do little if anything at all.

"Joe Biden attributed deadly Hurricane Ian to climate change and suggested people “should do something about it,” despite such a conclusion going against the nation’s top hurricane expert.

When Hurricane Ian, described by DeSantis as a “500-year flood event,” slammed into the state last week and caused widespread destruction, flooding, and power outages to coastal communities, it spurred a bevy of Liberals and left-wing media outlets to push hard the climate agenda, asserting that carbon emissions and global warming have intensified hurricanes." [EpochTimes]

Being polite towards our President, Jamie Rhome, the acting director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Hurricane Center made a statement: “I don’t think you can link climate change to any one event.”

NOAA recently released a study with similar conclusions, saying “it is premature to conclude with high confidence that human-caused increases in greenhouse gases” have impacted hurricane activity in the Atlantic.

Read the Study


Anonymous said...

They all like to say it's global warming but we've been having hurricanes for hundreds of years and tornadoes and earthquakes and all kinds of phenomena like that here on our Earth remember what it did the day they killed jesus? Anyway God is in control put your faith in Jesus Christ and God alone not man they like to tamper with vaccines and bio weapons to kill people they like to tamper with spraying things in the sky affecting the weather they gave really bad inaccurate reports of this last hurricane and said it was going much farther north than it did and all the people were ill prepared for the storm they just wanted the DeSantis to look bad they want to get rid of him he's fighting so hard against them they can keep saying global warming all they want to but until they really show me the evidence I just don't believe any of it they say the same thing about all the seas rising but over the years really there's no real evidence of that there's just cycles it might go up a little bit and it goes down a little bit it's the same thing with the beaches in the sand it comes and it goes God always brings it back and he's in charge so put all your faith in the Lord not in man it's all we can do keep having great faith! We are living in times where we really need to trust God more have more faith in Him don't believe everything you hear from a so-called scientist or elected official or the government they are not God!

Anonymous said...

The planet will survive. It's been here trillions of years.

The people, not so sure about them.

It surpasses human understanding, how people who are so worried about global warming, drive bigger and bigger cars and trucks, and use more and more electronics that have to be charged by electricity.

Batteries are not free. They require mining the earth for rare minerals. I think it is naive to think one source of energy is more earth friendly than another.

I remember a few years ago when the earth's population hit 6 billion. That was the tipping point. Now, we are a few billion over that, so hold on to your hat.