Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Lake Worth High School

Lake Worth High School

1701 Lake Worth Rd, Lake Worth, Florida | (561) 533-6300

#13,383-17,843 in National Rankings

Overall Score less than 25

Overview of Lake Worth High School

Lake Worth High School is ranked 512-596th within Florida. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Lake Worth High School is 8%. The total minority enrollment is 95%, and 92% of students are economically disadvantaged. Lake Worth High School is 1 of 59 high schools in the The School District of Palm Beach County.

Lake Worth High School 2022 Rankings

Lake Worth High School is ranked #13,383-17,843 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.

Read more and see the stats...

Big challenge at Lake Worth High that has everything to do with immigrants, legal or illegal, whose 2nd language is English.


Anonymous said...

I went to school with German kids who didn't speak a word of English. Their parents never spoke anything but German at home. They both excelled and went on to become very successful.

I'm sure if they put in a 1/2 to 1 hour class of English instruction after school the kids would catch on just fine. It seems a defeatist attitude to just write off a whole generation, because the school is too stupid to do its job.

Lynn Anderson said...

I am sure if we didn't allow illegals into our country and encourage them to settle in Lake Worth, our schools would be much better.
People need to acquire citizenship the lawful way, assimilate and know English when they enter this country. They need to know how to read it, write it and speak it. But we have a dais as well as a federal administration that believes in "diversity" with no strings and certainly not not our immigration laws.

Anonymous said...

i take offense when you say the school is stupid and not doing its job.we have some damn good teachers but when the parents dont teach their kids to behave dont blame the wrong people.there are so many chances to learn english but these kids arent going to learn it until they stay off the basketball court or socer field for a half hour a day.its realy sad we keep giving to these people and they dont give back

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, that horse has left the barn. I'm talking about the children who are here. They aren't going back, and to encourage them to be good Americans, they have to learn the ways of the country.

Some of these people are from very backward countries. It wasn't my idea to bring them here, but they are here. We can't ignore them.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, they don't give back? Who do you think is feeding you?

As for teachers, there are a few good teachers, but not many. It's an easy degree, and the curriculum has been dumbed down.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:36...I think that I am feeding myself. Illegals are taking jobs that American citizens can fill. And don't give me the liberal line that American workers don't want these jobs. It's that farm corporations don't want to pay a minimum decent wage for this labor.
Probably a lot of truth that the curriculum has been "dumbed down."

Anonymous said...

Farm work is very difficult work. When you get away from that kind of work, it is almost impossible to go back to it.

Based on a John Grisham book I once read, people do come from the Ozarks at harvesting time.

But to your point, it is true that the wages for pickers and such are not enough to sustain a family. If they paid higher wages, we couldn't afford the produce.

Somebody always has to be on the bottom rung of society, or society cannot function. Sad but True.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:36...I don't condone illegal immigration under any circumstances.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean to tell me that all of the immigrants in Lake Worth are Illegal?

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:43--can you read and comprehend? Are you an illegal? :)

Anonymous said...

Well, there are a bunch of immigrants working on my building, and I doubt if they are illegal.

Lynn Anderson said...

How do you know they are immigrants?

Anonymous said...

Because they don't speak a word of English.

Lynn Anderson said...

Probably illegals

Anonymous said...

Doesn't a big construction company have any obligation to see that workers are documented?