Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Putin, the great Intimidator

Russia Tries Intimidating Finland and Sweden, but Fails MISERABLY

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, as it has been explained by the Kremlin, is nonsensical.

You see, Vladimir Putin and his cronies have continually suggested that their reason for brutally attacking this sovereign, neighboring nation was that “Nazis” had overtaken the government there. This is silly, of course, because the President of the Ukraine happens to be a Jewish descendant of Holocaust victims.

And then there were claims from Russia that they could not allow NATO to expand their influence into Ukraine – something that wasn’t really even a possibility before the invasion.

Read about Finland and Sweden


Anonymous said...

I think Finland would be making a mistake to join NATO. NATO is probably as WOKE as everything else in the Western World.

Finland and Sweden know Russia very well and have had many wars with Russia. Why upset the apple cart.

NATO-Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever hear of the Winter War?

Lynn Anderson said...


Lynn Anderson said...

And your point, anonymous at 6:32?

Anonymous said...

i think they’re doing the right thing

Anonymous said...

Then you know that the Finns won the Winter War, and that the Russians basically saluted them.

You are so intent on making Russia the villain, completely overlooking the fact that this Democrat installed idiot running Ukraine, is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians, because in his deluded state, he envisions himself as some reincarnation of Churchill.

As they say: "Zelensky will fight to the last Ukrainian"

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't think Finland or Sweden would want to go against Russia today that has superior military power as shown in Ukraine. They might have held them off in that war but that was a heck of a long time ago, over 80 years ago. I sincerely doubt they could compete with Russia today. And we can't keep defending democracies all over the world from these communists. We're going bankrupt right now.

Anonymous said...

Nobody asked us to defend the Ukrainians. This war would be over if we had kept out of it. It's a Proxy war. Zelensky is just a tool of the US.

Lynn Anderson said...

We are defending a sovereign nation from slaughter by providing armaments to defend...it's called defending humanity. In fact, we were too late in our effort as a great deal of the country has been decimated and its citizens slaughtered because of evil. We did not enter World War II until we were attacked and 6,000,000 Jews died in concentration camps and Nazi ovens.
And yes, the war would be over quickly if we had not helped Ukraine. As far as Zelensky being "just a tool" of the U.S., we support democracies and Biden is screwing up our only democracy in the Mid-East. If we continue to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, that democracy will be annihlated as well.

Lynn Anderson said...

Back then Hitler killed Jews, Roma, and Slavs. And now Putin is destroying Ukrainians. He has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in Mariupol. This requires a strong reaction from the entire world. We need to stop the genocide by any means possible.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is just as much to blame because they have a lot of Bio weapons Labs there that the United States put there that intimidate and scare Russia and that's why Russia went in there's a lot of other reasons ukrainians are not all that innocent Russia is not correct and going into a sovereign country either but they're trying to protect their interests and fight this globalism. It's sad that they have to destroy a whole country into such a waste let them pay for rebuilding it all because the United States should not be involved but of course Biden is so compromised with Ukraine with Russia with China with so many other countries that that's why we're in this predicament it's very very sad there's so many slaves of the devil in the USA and Biden are some of them, along with the CIA and the FBI who probably caused this whole thing to begin with.

Anonymous said...

At 9:09 pm, that is your cross to bear. Russia never mentioned anything about bio labs being the reason to massacre Ukraine. To side with one of our top enemies, not only for the U.S. but the world, is astounding.

Anonymous said...

For starters, I didn't say anything about bio-labs. I only talk about what I know. As far as enemies, Russia is not my enemy. They may be your enemy, but they are not my enemy. My only enemy is stupidity. I would have to put you in that category, after reading your stupid post.

Lynn Anderson said...

@12:12...can we cease with the name calling? Thank you.