Friday, July 2, 2021

The Assault on Donald Trump continues

Searching for 5 years to pin a crime on  Trump--DOJ & prosecutors never found any

Now New York is going after the Trump Organization and its CFO

"The far-left communist MSNBC released a report at 9pm on June 30th that is dated July 1st that declares that President Trump’s CFO and the Trump Organization are indicted.

The Trump Organization and its CFO Allen Weisselberg have been indicted by a New York grand jury according to Washington Post reporter, David Fahrenthold.”

MSDNC, as Trump calls it, was so happy they couldn’t wait to report it. They thrive on show trials and anti-American propaganda and they hate President Trump.



Anonymous said...

Dumpstercrats = complete waste of tax payer's money!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 6:53