Monday, July 12, 2021

Biden can't fix Crime Wave says 50%

50% of the Nation Believes Biden Can’t Fix New Crime Wave

"The Democrat Party wants to fool the nation into believing that the crime crisis they’ve created is no big deal. House Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed jumps in crime as “hysteria”; however, the facts still remain.

Homicides and other acts of lawlessness have surged at unprecedented rates. It’s not hysteria; however, these crime jumps do have a pattern. They are all taking place in leftist cities with Democrat mayors. Crime is also going up in communities that defunded the police and ignored warnings about the subsequent, adverse consequences."

Read about it...

There is still half the nation that believes Biden is doing a good job? Amazing, especially when an average of just under 6,000 criminals cross our border every day and Biden is the one responsible.

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