Friday, April 16, 2021

Florida Backs the Blue by passing Anti-Riot bill

Omari Hardy is against DeSantis' anti-riot bill. Says it might discourage protesting. NO. It will help deter punks from criminal acts.

Omari Hardy believes the bill is the first step in creating a police state. He said that. Democrats love to instill false fear.

Read about Wonder Boy

The Florida Senate passed the 'anti-riot' bill pushed in wake of Black Lives Matter protests. GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis championed the legislation and is expected to sign it as early as next week.

The bill will increase criminal penalties for assaulting law enforcement officials while engaging in a "riot" and defacing monuments and other public property. And one important consideration in this bill, no community will be allowed to engage in defunding the police. So don't even think about that Lake Worth.

So, all communist anarchists cop haters, etc., don't come to Florida with your bull.


Anonymous said...

Omari needs to go away. Thank goodness he's no longer in Lake Worth Beach.

Anonymous said...

Big mural in W.Palm for BLM an insult to the rest of us. We dropped a lot of money for a good meal but won't go back. That plus we couldn't help but notice how filthy the Clematis area is and found the hollering drunks annoying. Low class.

Anonymous said...

maybe we have had enough protests.had so many wonder if anyone really knows what they are for

Anonymous said...

DeSantis needs to hurry and sign this bill.

Anonymous said...

We've had enough of how the media spins a riot and looting and seeing businesses destroyed into "a protest" we've had enough hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are going to be real disappointed when a Trump supporter is run over after approaching a vehicle and the driver says he felt "threatened."

The law applies to Trump supporters, Proud Boys, and Republicans just as much as it does BLM and Democrats.

Better behave.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:51--cute coming from an anti-police law and order advocate and un-American to boot. We don't take advice from you.
Don't come to Florida to start your SHIT.
This bill is talking about RIOTS that start from anarchists, communists, socialists and those who hate our country. Not someone approaching a car. and it has nothing to do with Trump.

Anonymous said...

"Among the proposals is protection for drivers who kill or injure protesters if they're 'fleeing for safety from a mob.'"

Read the law. Learn something. For once in your pathetic life.

As far as your suggestion goes, I'm an American. I'll go anywhere to start my SHIT.


Anonymous said...

9:44 hi ANTIFA.