Sunday, December 6, 2020

A few Hollywood Types with some Common Sense

A-listers Matthew McConaughey and Russell Brand slam the left for their treatment of conservatives

Actor Matthew McConaughey has blasted the "far left," and said that the "illiberal left" is condescending, patronizing, and arrogant when it comes to dealing with conservative Americans.



Anonymous said...

that's true, Matthew.

Anonymous said...

Pure and simple "evil tolerant" people.

Anonymous said...

I think that's true, but it just means the Conservative side has to become more edgy. I never thought I'd see the day when the Republicans turned into whiners.

Stop complaining so much. Get some younger sharper candidates, and maybe win in 2024. Trump is not going to run in 2024. Most of his supporters will have gone to the Great Beyond by then.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:14. It is the Democrats who whine and complain, cheat and rig elections. Go to some conservative sites like Turning Point USA and you might get a different perspective about "most of his supporters will have gone to the great beyond by 2024."
You really are someone I don't want to know.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Trump, I didn't marry him. It's time for him to get off the stage. He's ruining the chances of the Republican possible candidates for 2024.

If I'm sick of him already, it won't be long before a whole lot of people are tired of this.

The malcontents who are keeping this going, are just the ones who will put Kamala Harris in the White House in 2024.

You can make book on it. Trump is finished, and he's taking the party down with him!

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:10 Patriots are NOT sick of him ... sorry you are.