Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Sober Home on Sunset Drive

Palm Beach County Lyft driver recounts scary passenger experience

We have numerous sober homes in Lake Worth. This is a story about one of them and a Lyft driver who picked up a couple on Sunset Drive in Lake Worth on Independence Day.

The driver got a text message but couldn't read it while driving. Once she had the opportunity to read it, she was given instructions as to where to drop off these people...that's when it got "scary" for the Lyft driver.

Read about it... at WPTV 5 News.

Not only do we have many sober homes in our city but we have many who have been discarded from them who are on the streets and living homeless. Those trying to recover from drug addiction are prevalent and the homeless problem is escalating.

The owner of this sober home owns many in Lake Worth as well as in Palm Beach County and will not return phone calls or e-mails. This particular house has been a big problem for the ROLO neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

just another reason why we do not want ADU's.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see some kind of statistics comparing regular cab companies with Lyft/Uber, insofar as danger to passengers/drivers. The whole Lyft/Uper thing is scary, but maybe regular cabs have issues also.