Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Quote of the Day - President Trump

“Fox News is changing fast, but they forgot the people who got them there.”

~ President Donald Trump

There are only a handful of journalists on Fox that I now trust. Most are capitulating to their bosses, the Murdoch brothers, who are Left. Now we have to listen to the incessant chatter of Jessica Tarlov who is paid around $200,000 a year to promote left-wing policies, Donna Brazile, you know the one who fed the debate questions to Hillary and then there is their old standby, Shephard Smith. No conservative can tolerate his obvious bias.

Although Fox News is still the most watched network on cable, many conservative viewers have tuned it off.


Anonymous said...

If we can't watch Fox News, who should we watch? Everyone is bashing Trump. I need a station where they only report the good news that he is doing...I don't want to hear anything bad. I wouldn't believe it any way.

Anonymous said...

OAN but of course Comcast won’t carry it. You need Direct TV to get it.