Sunday, July 14, 2019

Quotes of the Day - Pelosi and Allen West

“An ICE deportation warrant is not the same as a search warrant. If that is the only document ICE brings to a home raid, agents do not have the legal right to enter a home. If ICE agents don’t have a warrant signed by a judge, a person may refuse to open the door and let them in.”

Nancy Pelosi

“Unless I am grossly mistaken, Ms. Pelosi just violated her oath of office and has committed a high crime and misdemeanor.”

~ Col. Allen West

“High crimes and misdemeanors” is a classification of offense for which Art. II, Sec. 4 of U.S. Constitution provides grounds for impeachment.


Anonymous said...

Pelosi, AOC, and all eleceted like andy and others all violate their elected position by allowing all these illegals to stay. Anyone who is in this country illegally who did not ask for an asylum when they first entered or lost their hearing or are just human traffikeced or illegal should all be deported and have violated federal law. Any elected who do not understand this or blatantly allow illegals to stay here or assist them should be thrown into jail too it is a high crime. So wrong for any elected to think that violating a federal law entering this country is acceptable. They all need to be put in jail and the illegals all need to be deported, no more excuses, I am fed up with all of them. Vote all the bums out and deport all illegals. Restore law and order. Thank you President Trump for taking a stand on this issue and working to solve the problem, because most elected, especially democrats done' and all should be jailed.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi and the left take the bait again. Trump NEVER signals his intent. Wonder when this latest Trump trap is going to snap closed on all of them? Plenty of room in Gitmo for all of the aiders and abettors that Trump has forced into the daylight. Storms can be quite cleansing.