Sunday, July 14, 2019

Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act

Sanctuary Cities In MAJOR Trouble After Senate Introduces New Legislation EVERY Legal American Should CHEER!

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-NC, joined by five Senate Republicans, introduced legislation Tuesday that would let citizens sue sanctuary jurisdictions for crimes committed against them by illegal aliens.

The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act of 2019

“Sanctuary cities and their policies are a dangerous affront to the rule of law, and only exasperate the crisis at our border. I am proud to join my colleagues in holding these jurisdictions accountable, and will continue working to enforce our federal immigration laws and ensure the safety and security of the American people.” Sen Ted Cruz


Anonymous said...

Great! Yes the City of Lake Worth is a sanctuary city, that is why we all moved out, we were already victims of the illegal immigrants they brought down the quality of life for us, brought crime, whore houses, drunk all over at night and on the weekends, Guat bashings, threw bikes over our fence, broke our water hose outlet, trashed our frontyard, it was hell living in Lake Worth with all these lawless illegals, why in hell would anyone want to live in this city is beyond comprehension. Lakeside and Palmway are the only decent streets now in the city, and they are iffy, College park even looks like hell, rental city USA, all rent in Lake Worth, no one takes pride in the city anymore. It looks like hell!

Anonymous said...

My spouse and I sold and moved out of Lake Worth. I thought about moving back, but my spouse who is a legal immigrant said NO, Lake Worth has too much crime and blight, there are too many problems in this city. They even stole his work truck that was parked in the city. This city is for the birds! We still pray though that they can get their act together, unfortunately, the greed, corruption, and lawlessness will get the best of all of them all thanks to the elected, they and the illegals have ruined the City of Lake Worth!

Anonymous said...

First thing they need to do is perp walk all of the Commissioners /Mayors of every sanctuary city in the United States into Federal custody/Gitmo televised trials.