Saturday, July 13, 2019

Lake Worth Guatemalan Center teaching illegals how to impede ICE

"If ICE comes, Palm Beach County immigrants told they have rights, too"

You hear it all the time in Lake Worth..."We like our diversity."  I was told that by Betty Resch years ago.  Well, folks, you have plenty of it in Lake Worth with the Black and Hispanic population at over 62%.  AND a lot of them crossed our border illegally. The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in our local schools is higher than that. Government is printing everything in three languages to accommodate all those who don't speak English.

Migrants learn Rights... at Lake Worth Guatemalan Center.

On April 17, 2018, Omari Hardy, our alt-Left commissioner on the dais, brought forth Resolution 24-2018 Welcoming City. The Vote was 4/0--Mayor Pam Triolo was absent for the meeting. They wanted everyone to feel welcome in LWB including illegals who have broken our laws.

On December 4, 2018, the idea of community ID's passed on a 3/1 vote at the Lake Worth City Commission meeting, Scott Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Amoroso said he put it on the Agenda because he was concerned about the census and not getting our fair share of federal dollars because of immigrants who will not fill out the census. All this coddling of illegals.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement plans to begin the previously postponed raids across the country Sunday to arrest thousands of migrant families who already have court orders to be removed. Now we have the Guatamalan Center in our city teaching illegals who have defied a court order (and therefore have NO rights), on how to further break the law.  This is outrageous.


Lynn Anderson said...

Supposedly there are 300 illegals in Lake Worth that are on this list. The raid starts at 2am Sunday morning. It is unreal that our government as well as liberals and those sympathizing with illegals encourages and teaches them how to further break the law.

Anonymous said...

10.13 get your head out of the sand

Anonymous said...

The people giving the legal advice are not lawyers and are committing crimes by providing legal advice.

Lynn Anderson said...

@11:33--you open border people give me a swift pain.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

for 13,5 mil dollars we get lite sheriff protection now I hear on the radio that our sheriff is not going to help ice if they ask.that just sends a message to these people there is very little police service here.scary

Anonymous said...

You must live in a cave 5:36. I was all over Lake Worth today at different times, and I saw no less than 20 or 30 police cars in various places.

Anonymous said...

That is why most good hard working tax paying citizens have lost respect for elected, cities, police, they all need to work together to uphold the law for all, even removing all illegal immigrants from any part of a city, town, state, or our country. We have lost respect for our police, they need to arrest all people they stop who do not have a valid ID and are here illegally if they are breaking a law or they find them here illegally, it is not just the job of ICE, ALL POLICE should be able to address this problem, that is why all good Americans are losing a lot of respect for all police and our pathetic elected today in this day and age.

Anonymous said...

If ICE steps in and does their job, half of the schools in Lake Worth will be empty. Maybe the county will have money to help the homeless vets in John Prince Park once the criminal illegals are flushed out of our country.

Anonymous said...

I have little faith that anything significant will happen. But one can dream.