Saturday, July 13, 2019

It's the Stupidity, Stupid!

Megan Rapinoe hugs and kisses girlfriend Sue Bird after the Women's World Cup final in Lyon, France.

Controversial Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Has Vicious Message for Trump: ‘You’re Excluding People That Look Like Me’

Of course, what this is all about for Megan Rapinoe is that she believes the President is against Gays. All Gays believe that. President Trump has never persecuted anyone for their sexual orientation. In May he said, “My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!”


Anonymous said...

And yet he fails to recognize LGBTQ Month.

Anonymous said...

everyone gets offened by this or has never bothered me before but now im offened.when I see two guys kiss and one is running for president of our country then two girls after a soccer game.well these two ass h es don't represent my feelings in this country.people think they are funny but I want to puke.i know people are going to call me names for saying this.but damn it we that don't believe this life style have our rights too .adam and eve came first

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:56--WRONG AGAIN. He recognized it on May 31, 2019 -

Anonymous said...

8:56 grow up

Anonymous said...

In Haiti, they had slavery for centuries, and then brutal Haitian Dictators. The country was raped, pillaged, and devastated by disasters. And yet: The Haitian people love their country.

In the US, we had slavery for centuries, fought a war to free the slaves, legislated all kinds of benefits to try to atone for our sins, and yet: Many African Americans hate the US.

To me, this is a classic example of a spoiled child. The more you give in to the child, the more demanding the child becomes, and eventually turns into a whining/unproductive adult.

I would hate anyone to think that this example applies only to African Americans. There are innumerable groups in the US with this attitude, probably the majority of whom are white.

The politicians caused this insanity, and only a leader that can make a declaration like the one JFK enunciated, beginning: "ASK NOT What Your Country Can Do For You.................................." can restore any kind of normalcy to this nation.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't want to see anybody kissing. You don't see the Queen exhibiting this type of affection in public. There are protocols for behavior in public, that have for too long been ignored. If you want to act like a bunch of peasants, go for it, but don't be offended when somebody refers to you as low class.

Anonymous said...

same goes to breast feeding in public.use some class

Clara Bell said...

Ewww, kissing. And how about holding hands? People are disgusting!

Anonymous said...

No question about it 8:10, and if you look around, you'll find that few of them take the time to make themselves less so.

Anonymous said...

Our president has no obligation to support every parade and festival in the country. Thinking so only makes it look more frivolous, elitist and tantrums don't help any "cause" living right does.

Anonymous said...

My Gay friends are not concerned with this nonsense. They are worried about the same things I worry about. Why do you have to make yourselves look foolish, and stand out like clowns. Maybe you don't have enough to do. Life, is not "a parade"! If you are so intent on making a carnival out of everything, move to LA.